

The Longhill Primary School MFL curriculum is designed to give the children the opportunity to explore language and find out about countries where it is spoken.

In addition, our global links work and partnership with a school in Sierra Leone allows the children to discover more about the wider world and work in collaboration with children from a different country.

Our high-quality language curriculum enables children to be develop their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills in another language and this further supports these skills in their own language.  Furthermore, our curriculum gives the children the opportunity to develop their cultural knowledge of different countries and make comparisons to their own lives.  Our work with the International Pupil Council and our partner school in Sierra Leone further supports this.

Our curriculum lays the foundations for future language learning by fostering an interest in language acquisiton, developing resilience and love of learning.


Our MFL curriculum is carefully designed to include a mix of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in French for each of the mini areas studied throughout the year.

In Key Stage 2, children take part in one timetabled lesson of quality-first French teaching each week.

The curriculum is delivered using ‘Learn French with Luc and Sophie’, a scheme which teaches French systematically from Years 3 to 6.

Through the Longhill MFL curriculum, children develop their curiosity for language through:

  • Opportunities to practise their pronunciation and expression through role play and singing songs in French.
  • Opportunities to listen attentively to their peers, to adults and to French songs.
  • Reading exercises which allow children to find out more about French culture and traditions.
  • Writing exercises where the children can describe their own lives and preferences as well as those of others.

New vocabulary is introduced in each of the half-termly topics and this is referred to throughout the week to further embed it into the children’s learning.

ICT is used where possible to record pupils speaking and to allow the children be creative in the recording of their learning.

In Key Stage 1, children are given the opportunity to use basic vocabulary in a variety of contexts throughout the day such as answering the register in French, singing French songs which provides the foundations for early language acquisition skills.

Our work with the International Pupil Council has made the children more aware about global issues and their role in the wider world.

In the summer term, the whole school participates in an ‘Around the world day’.  Each class becomes a country; children use their ‘passport’ to visit each country and learn more about it through different activities.  This day is designed to further develop the children’s curiosity about the world around them and foster a love of language learning.

In addition, our partnership with a primary school in Sierra Leone has enabled staff from both schools to visit and interact with the children, providing them with wider experiences of a different culture.


At Longhill Primary School, the MFL curriculum is designed to enable children to develop their love of language learning from an early age.  It allows the children to be curious and discover more about the world around them.  It gives them the opportunity to develop links with children in another country and gain an understanding of the similarities and differences between their lives.

It gives children the opportunity to understand how to make themselves understood in another language which then develops more awareness of grammatical structures in their own language.

Our assessment of French allows knowledge and skills to be monitored throughout the year.  This is shown through child-based outcomes.  The children complete their own self-evaluation at the end of each unit.  In addition, monitoring is completed through pupil voice interviews and observations of learning.

Click the link below for a more detailed plan:

French half termly topics years 3 – 6 KEY VOCAB

How to assess

“I feel that the school has always given my children the best support throughout. They are all exceeding because of this. “

Parent comment

“I love Longhill Primary School because the teachers are very kind. They always challenge us to work hard and help us when we are stuck.”

EVE, Year 4

“The equipment available at break-times is fun to play with and I love earning prizes for my good work.” 

MIZGIN, Year 4

“There are lots of amazing books available to read whenever we want.” 

MIA, Year 4

“I like this school because all of the teachers treat us really well, appreciate us and make us feel safe.”

LOGAN, Year 5

“The thing I like about Longhill is the marbles and prizes you get for doing good things for yourself and others.” 


“The school is great and my child enjoys coming.”

Parent comment

“We have amazing teachers at our school which makes us feel happy and helps us to learn.”


“Longhill Primary is a good school. The staff are supportive and I feel welcome here. It is a very good environment and there’s lots of good things to do and learn.”


“We are very happy with Longhill Primary School.”

Parent comment

“I have no concerns, the teachers are attentive, my child is thriving at school and is always happy at hometime.”

Parent comment

“I like playing on the pirate ship because it’s a boat and I like big boats and the Titanic.” 

BROGAN, Foundation Stage

“My daughter has come on so great at the school.”

Parent comment

“My daughter has only just started and everything is great.”

Parent comment

“The teachers and pupils are the kindest people ever, if everyone was like this the world would be amazing.” 


“At Longhill, we learn lots of fascinating things. I’ve really enjoyed finding out all about the Vikings and Victorians in my topic lessons this year.”

RYAN, Year 4

“Everything’s great for my daughter at the school and she loves coming to it.”

Parent comment

“The teachers are lovely, it is easy to make friends and the lesson are fun.” 

OLIVER, Year 4

“Longhill builds children’s future to the limit”

Year 6 pupil

“I love learning Big Maths and I can know all the Learn It’s so fast!” 

INES, Foundation Stage

“The school is decorated nicely and it’s colourful.”

COREY, Year 3

“I like — because at break-times there are lots of things to do, such as gym equipment and games on the floor.” 

RYAN, Year 4

“Here are Longhill we build positive relationships through restorative behaviours”

Year 6 pupil

“I think this school is the best because everyone is kind and caring.”

BERKAY, Year 5

“My son has settled into school well, he has only been here a short time. “

Parent comment

“I like outside! I love jumping on the barrels, going on the climbing frame, and pretending to be a pirate on the pirate ship.”

RUSSEL, Foundation Stage

“I love coming to school because we always have fun lessons to learn and we learn a lot in school.”

MAYA, Year 3

“I like to play outside because it’s so fun to go on the climbing frame and the ladder and if you fall down there’s a monster and we can all turn into monsters – really BIG monsters!” 

SIYAR, Foundation Stage

“I cannot fault the school or staff since by son joined. He has blossomed and is doing great. The staff really do their best to help with anything they can. “

Parent comment

“I love the giant playground with all of the fantastic equipment on it; it keeps me busy all playtime. You can exercise whilst talking to your friends!”

ADAM, Year 4

“Longhill Primary teaches children respect, kindness and responsibility”

Year 6 pupil

“There isn’t anything, they are already a big part of the community.”

Parent comment

“We would like to thank all the staff for their hard work. My son is a happy child and has a big smile on his face. I would like to say thank you for you getting him interested in sport.”

Parent comment

“We always have fun lessons which makes us enjoy coming to school. For example, I made chocolate pizzas in DT this year and they were amazing!”

ISLA, Year 3

“It’s fascinating because every single thing is interesting.

Year 2 pupil

“When I come to school, I feel loved because my friends play with me.” 

CHARLIE, Foundation Stage

“This school is great. Everyone is friendly and easy to talk to.”

Parent comment

“It’s lovely because you can do RP and I love it.”

Year 2 pupil

“I like the teachers as they are very pleasant and appreciative, also they award with amazing awards such marbles and star of the week.”

FREYA, Year 4

“I love this school, I remember when I first walked in the door at 3 years old! Me and my friends have evolved a lot over the years, and I love coming here. I love the teachers and the work.”

ARCHIE, Year 5

“I have no concerns only praise for the staff I have encountered on my child’s journey so far.”

Parent comment