
The national curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all children:

  • become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics;
  • are able to reason mathematically;
  • can solve real-life problems by applying their mathematics.

At Longhill Primary School, we provide a rich, balanced and progressive curriculum – embedding the skills outlined in the programmes of study. The mapping of mathematics across the school shows clear progression in line with age related expectations.

We encourage children to see maths as a tool for everyday life by creating a range of practical tasks, real-life problems and contextual experiences. The children will enjoy maths, experience success in the subject and develop the ability to reason mathematically.


At Longhill Primary we teach number fluency using the Winning With Numbers scheme of work. Winning with numbers provides a linear sequence of learning for children, aiming to ensure all children are number fluent by the end of year 4. This is achieved by achieving 100 ‘wins’ in the foundation stage, and 50 ‘wins’ in years 1, 2, 3 and 4. Each win is underpinned by 5 ‘goals’ which break down the win for the children. Winning With Numbers lessons are taught daily for around 20 minutes.

Learning is evidence in each child’s ‘Number Fluency’ book. Each goal has a series of questions attached. These goal questions should be initially completed on whiteboards, before moving onto ‘practise questions’ which are complete in books. Children will then have the opportunity to apply their learning by completing a minimum of 2 reasoning questions applicable to the content they have been learning, to be evidenced in their number fluency book.

Children in years 5 and 6 continue with the Big Maths scheme of work. This is evidenced twice weekly on a Monday and Thursday.

Times table are taught daily for at least 5 minutes. This can be incorporated into WWN lessons and taught at the age/term appropriate for the child.

Wider Maths is taught using the SAFE strand of the Big Maths Scheme. SAFE lessons are taught  a minimum of twice a week, however this should be more frequent if required to ensure all steps are completed for the term.


Our maths curriculum allows the children to understand the relevance of what they are learning in relation to real world concepts.  We have developed a safe environment where children are encouraged to ‘be brave’, develop their mathematical skills and work collaboratively where appropriate.  We utilise regular and ongoing assessments, as well as end of term/year summative assessments. This constant analysis informs teaching, as well as intervention, to support and enable the success of every child.

Our maths books show a wide range of activities, developing learning through the use of fluency, reasoning and problem-solving tasks. Common misconceptions are dealt with quickly within the class and individualised support is offered to children through daily intervention.

Throughout the year, the maths lead will carry out pupil interviews, book scrutinies, and ‘drop in’ observations to ensure the correct delivery of the curriculum and address any areas for improvement.

All children will be taught the breadth of the curriculum, which will be adapted to meet the needs of each child. Quality first teaching with high expectations and challenges ensures all pupils become confident in their knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts and progress to the next stage securely.

“I like the teachers as they are very pleasant and appreciative, also they award with amazing awards such marbles and star of the week.”

FREYA, Year 4

“There isn’t anything, they are already a big part of the community.”

Parent comment

“I love this school, I remember when I first walked in the door at 3 years old! Me and my friends have evolved a lot over the years, and I love coming here. I love the teachers and the work.”

ARCHIE, Year 5

“My son has settled into school well, he has only been here a short time. “

Parent comment

“I have no concerns, the teachers are attentive, my child is thriving at school and is always happy at hometime.”

Parent comment

“I love learning Big Maths and I can know all the Learn It’s so fast!” 

INES, Foundation Stage

“Longhill Primary teaches children respect, kindness and responsibility”

Year 6 pupil

“We would like to thank all the staff for their hard work. My son is a happy child and has a big smile on his face. I would like to say thank you for you getting him interested in sport.”

Parent comment

“There are lots of amazing books available to read whenever we want.” 

MIA, Year 4

“The thing I like about Longhill is the marbles and prizes you get for doing good things for yourself and others.” 


“I feel that the school has always given my children the best support throughout. They are all exceeding because of this. “

Parent comment

“I love coming to school because we always have fun lessons to learn and we learn a lot in school.”

MAYA, Year 3

“When I come to school, I feel loved because my friends play with me.” 

CHARLIE, Foundation Stage

“The teachers are lovely, it is easy to make friends and the lesson are fun.” 

OLIVER, Year 4

“It’s fascinating because every single thing is interesting.

Year 2 pupil

“The school is decorated nicely and it’s colourful.”

COREY, Year 3

“My daughter has come on so great at the school.”

Parent comment

“I like playing on the pirate ship because it’s a boat and I like big boats and the Titanic.” 

BROGAN, Foundation Stage

“The school is great and my child enjoys coming.”

Parent comment

“Longhill Primary is a good school. The staff are supportive and I feel welcome here. It is a very good environment and there’s lots of good things to do and learn.”


“I like to play outside because it’s so fun to go on the climbing frame and the ladder and if you fall down there’s a monster and we can all turn into monsters – really BIG monsters!” 

SIYAR, Foundation Stage

“This school is great. Everyone is friendly and easy to talk to.”

Parent comment

“We have amazing teachers at our school which makes us feel happy and helps us to learn.”


“I think this school is the best because everyone is kind and caring.”

BERKAY, Year 5

“Longhill builds children’s future to the limit”

Year 6 pupil

“We always have fun lessons which makes us enjoy coming to school. For example, I made chocolate pizzas in DT this year and they were amazing!”

ISLA, Year 3

“Here are Longhill we build positive relationships through restorative behaviours”

Year 6 pupil

“The equipment available at break-times is fun to play with and I love earning prizes for my good work.” 

MIZGIN, Year 4

“The teachers and pupils are the kindest people ever, if everyone was like this the world would be amazing.” 


“I love the giant playground with all of the fantastic equipment on it; it keeps me busy all playtime. You can exercise whilst talking to your friends!”

ADAM, Year 4

“I cannot fault the school or staff since by son joined. He has blossomed and is doing great. The staff really do their best to help with anything they can. “

Parent comment

“I like — because at break-times there are lots of things to do, such as gym equipment and games on the floor.” 

RYAN, Year 4

“I like outside! I love jumping on the barrels, going on the climbing frame, and pretending to be a pirate on the pirate ship.”

RUSSEL, Foundation Stage

“I love Longhill Primary School because the teachers are very kind. They always challenge us to work hard and help us when we are stuck.”

EVE, Year 4

“I have no concerns only praise for the staff I have encountered on my child’s journey so far.”

Parent comment

“It’s lovely because you can do RP and I love it.”

Year 2 pupil

“At Longhill, we learn lots of fascinating things. I’ve really enjoyed finding out all about the Vikings and Victorians in my topic lessons this year.”

RYAN, Year 4

“My daughter has only just started and everything is great.”

Parent comment

“Everything’s great for my daughter at the school and she loves coming to it.”

Parent comment

“We are very happy with Longhill Primary School.”

Parent comment

“I like this school because all of the teachers treat us really well, appreciate us and make us feel safe.”

LOGAN, Year 5