Longhill Primary School

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Hull Collaborative Academy Trust




The Longhill Primary School Art and Design curriculum has been carefully designed for children to become immersed in creativity of various forms, providing a  high-quality art and design programme of study within our school. The explicit planning will allow the children to become engaged, inspired and challenged and equip our pupils with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.

Opportunities are provided throughout the school and built upon the progression of skills, to enable the children to critique and improve their work further, developing a more rigorous understanding of art and design.


Art and Design at Longhill Primary School is planned specifically to focus on the acquisition of skills, linked to various aspects.  The children will be able to become proficient in using and applying specific art and design techniques, linked to the following aspects: –

  • Drawing,
  • Painting,
  • Sculpture and
  • Collage

The children will focus upon a specific aspect of art and design and follow explicit planning, building upon prior knowledge and skills. The children will have opportunities to experiment and explore their ideas, record their experiences and produce their own creative work (final piece) to display in our prestigious Art Gallery.

Children’s work will be displayed for pupils, staff visitors and our school community to enjoy throughout the year.

Our art and design curriculum is aimed at being inclusive, and accessible to all our pupils, providing a clear progression of skills and knowledge throughout the whole school.

Children will develop their understanding of the visual language of art with effective teaching and considered sequences of lessons and experiences.

Understanding of the visual elements of art and design (line, tone, texture, colour, pattern, shape, 3D form) will be developed by providing a curriculum which will enable children to reach their full potential.

The school’s high quality art curriculum is supported through the availability of a wide range of quality resources, which are used to support children’s confidence in the use of different media.

Through Art and Design children will:

  • produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences
  • become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques
  • evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design
  • know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.

Through Art and Design, teachers will:

  • model a positive attitude and enjoyment towards creativity throughout the school.
  • promote self-belief and self confidence in pupils’ engagement and involvement in art and design
  • seek and embrace opportunities for their own CPD
  • organise extracurricular clubs, linked to various aspects of art and design.
  • prepare and organise the children’s work, ready for our regular Art Gallery to showcase the progression of skills and final piece of creative work to parents and our school community.
  • model and use artistic vocabulary and language when teaching and discussing aspects of art and design.
  • celebrate children’s success and personal achievements.

We allow children to revisit previously taught skills through our whole school artist days. This also allows children to get to know the work and life of famous artists. For example: Kandinsky and Banksy. During these artist days the children will recreate a piece of art work in the style of the focussed artist. This enables the children to embed the skills previously taught.


At Longhill Primary School, Art and Design is taught to develop imagination and creativity, pleasure and enjoyment and a sense of well-being; contributing to children’s personal development, self-reflection and independence.

Classroom displays and our Art Gallery reflect the children’s sense of pride in their artwork and this is also demonstrated by creative outcomes across the wider curriculum.

Our assessment for Art and Design allows progress and knowledge to be monitored and evaluated.

In aiming to evaluate the overall impact of our Art and Design curriculum, we conduct regular monitoring, focusing on the progression of skills taught throughout each year group and as a whole school. 

Click on the links below for further detailed plans:

Art Long Term Plan

Final Collage MTP- Whole School

Final Drawing MTP- Whole School

Final Painting MTP- Whole School

Final  Sculpture MTP-Whole school

Year 6 mixed media


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